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This is a work of sentimental archeology.

My mother’s mum, granny Anita, born in 1900, died in 2000, leaving behind flashy evidences of her passing by: Anita did not trhow  anything away.

Her heritage looks into a style of life, of art…. entire crates, houses, enormous boxes,  filled up with her universe of real life. That was her culture, her immortality:

Everything must be kept, everything can be ricycled. She did not have  the idea of garbage, of waste.

For the first time, I spent  5 days among her “not waste”: the diaries, the recipes, the journeys, the strings (she used to knot everything), the inventories, the treasures.

To me, these 5 elements, represent a way of getting rid of  the “encumbrance” but, at the same time, they lead me towords a meditation about the value, the revealings of the objects that accompany us in our everyday life.