Cheese coat (peel)
Growth VS Dilapidation
Production VS Importation/Exportation
Each piece of food travels and average of 1200 Km before it is eaten, this demands a huge lot on the environment.
In the new Global Capitalism system, laws are not protecting society anymore, it permits the institution’s gradual bankruptcy by excluding the power of negotiation to those who live in the countryside, it subverts identity consciousness and sense of belonging while making work the core aspect of our identities (producing and consuming).
Dust and Pills
Integration VS Exclusion
In our days, the fourth world is filled with millions of people who don’t have a place to live, nothing to eat, precarious jobs and in their multiple crisis, can fall in starvation, sickness, drug addiction, or go to jail.
Biological VS Virtual
Natural VS Artificial
… on a lovely night a beetle took flight into the world, but instead of communicating with other fellows from his species it ends up being smashed by the wheels of the car that passes through… the excessively artificial conditions in which we live blocks our real/natural needs by the excessive exterior things to us (that we project and on which we invest). having and making prevent us from Being.
Spiral (clover seed)
Understanding VS Ignorance
during the clover’s growth, it will end up forming a spiral which contains the seeds for the next plant to grow, if it is pruned, a plant will regenerate new roots. Growth and regeneration are natural: to cycle’s law abiding everything unfolds. In nature there are no aims and no purposes: each change in the structure brings change to each being’s consciousness … to live means to be conscious.