Eight years ago, the rational and calculated violence that envelops Colombia led me to choose a voluntary exile. I have now become one of the five million Colombians that have found a new life in another country and can now see Colombia’s reality from a different perspective.
Today, I throw away all these internal and foreign circumstances that make me believe that Colombia will never be a real country: Hugo Chavez with his passion to be in the limelight at all cost,
regardless of the negative consequences this has on the lives of his Colombian brothers and sisters. The FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and their everlasting capacity to generate de
struction and suffering. The AuC (united Self-defences of Colombia) and their disproportionate capacity to kill. The Catholic Church with their outdated and absurd evangelism. The suffering of innocent people whose only sin was to be born in a place that doesn’t tire of generating constant injustice.