The contents of my bags express my opinion on what contaminates society in general rather that only the urban.
Two of the bags are linked to the concept of value and waste, in one I have placed small silver children, some white and others oxidized to symbolize the various races and the other I have placed petrol. Children represent the future and that they will pay a very high bill unless there is a radical change of attitude and way of life. The question is: Can people be considered a waste whilst oil is seen as something more valuable? How many lives are wasted every day to support of this valuable substance?
I think this substance has contaminated the world.
The third bag is empty, waiting for a global collective conscious that will revolucionise the future. It also represents the vacuum of political discourse.
In the other two bags I decided to place many words written on sheets of aluminum, one has words of hope for a real change in attitude and a greater concern with the other.
In the other I placed words, which are feelings that contaminate society leading it to a self-centred and selfish attitude that naturally culminates in the so-called globalization, marking the supremacy of wealth over waste.