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Voy mucho al cine. Una película al día no hace mal . Esas entradas siempre son un tesoro, tanto si me gusta lo que veo o si no. La gente suele tirarlas a la salida de la sala, o aparececen después en algún bolsillo olvidado.…

We run on the sword of light and nothing can detain us.The night, dressed in grey velvet, sheathed the trail of the moon over the sea.I love the wind that wind stirring the parched fields and the rain that sprinkles the paths.The heat of the…

Black Money Makes Trash People

The contents of my bags express my opinion on what contaminates society in general rather that only the urban. Two of the bags are linked to the concept of value and waste, in one I have placed small silver children, some white and others oxidized…

I constantly think about the connection that humans have to all living things and the relationships that need to be renewed. For this project I chose to collect, save and cherish materials/objects that have been transformed and then left behind by a bird.

Since I am an Accepted Modern Art Jewellery maker I cannot wear this anymore.

II think most of modern society`s sense of value is superficical, because it will go out immediately with the passing of time. Terefore I think there is not actual value. Now,how is primitive and simple society`s one? The standard of it is always eternal against…

This summer while traveling abroad I collected complimentary “gifts” that were offered to me. Everything was disposable: razors, combs, shampoos, toothpastes, toothbrushes, shower caps, shower gel, towelettes, napkins, wooden and plastic stir sticks, lids for cups, ear phones, etc. All of these items are destined…

Lingam Runes of small imaginary houses, soils, which thousands of times have been trodden up to throwing them and replacing them with others. Small reliquaries of my labyrinths of memory.

The ‘garbage pin project’ is an interesting way of showing an aspect about our way of living today. A reflection of the wastefulness of consumer society from the point of view of diferent artists. Being part of this project and showing my idea’s by carefully…

One of Space A cross, a pigeon feather, a chewing gum, a leaf and a bottom…There is herehere is NowDr. Plastic Elefantanstic told me to write this message for the last trip on Space:Make Peace in MindRelease in unison with soul and GodOnly than you…

Lingam In south-east Asia phallus has an opener meaning than only sex. The penis is worshiped in temples as fertility symbol. For example in Thailand men are wearing penis talismans inside their pants as devotion to fertility. The series “Lingam” is worn as jewelry on…